"Bird Numbers 2025: Synergies in monitoring for conservation" conference programme overview, Riga, Latvia

The detailed conference programme can be downloaded here

One page (both sides) version can be downloaded here

Programme Overview

31 March (Monday):

from 14:30Registration
15:00–18:00PECBMS workshop
EveningWelcome event

1 April (Tuesday):

Birds of Latvia through times: the way to monitoring of county’s avifauna
Oskars Keišs, Ainārs Auniņš, Viesturs Ķerus
 Coffee break
10:45–12:15Parallel sessions
13:45–14:30Afternoon plenary
Biodiversity monitoring context and directions in relation to EU policies
Nestor Fernandez
14:30–15:45Poster session
 Coffee break
16:30–18:00Parallel sessions
18:15–20:15EBP workshop 

2 April (Wednesday)

9:00–9:45Morning plenary
Using ornithological field data to predict rapid evolution of migration in response to climate change
Jane M. Reid
 Coffee break
10:30–12:00Parallel sessions
13:30–14:30Parallel sessions
14:30–15:45EBCC Annual General Meeting
 Coffee break
16:30–18:00Parallel sessions
18:15–20:15Acoustic (audio) workshop / Ornitho meeting

3 April (Thursday)

DaytimeField excursions
EveningConference dinner

4 April (Friday)

9:00–9:45Morning plenary
Using bird data for conservation prioritisation
Heini Kujala
 Coffee break
10:30–12:00Parallel sessions
13:30–14:30Parallel sessions
15:00–16:00Parallel sessions
 Coffee break
The integration of data, the spirit of the EBCC and challenges for the future
Sergi Herrando
17:30–18:00Closing of the conference
18:15–20:15Meeting of the new EBCC Board

5 April (Saturday)

9:00–13:00IWC workshop
14:00–17:00Mediterranean Waterbirds Network meeting

Scientific Programme Committee:

Dr. Aleksi Lehikoinen (Chair, Finland), Dr. Verena Keller (Switzerland), Dr. Dawn Balmer (United Kingdom), Dr. Ainārs Auniņš (Latvia), Dr. Sergi Herrando (Spain), Dr. Jean-Yves Paquet (Belgium), Dr. Petr Vořišek (Czech Republic)


Local Organising Committee:

Dr. Oskars Keišs, Dr. Ainārs Auniņš, Agnis Bušs, Antra Stīpniece, Edgars Lediņš, Ance Priedniece, Valts Jaunzemis