1 April (Tuesday): 9:15–10:15, Opening plenary

Birds of Latvia through times: the way to monitoring of county’s avifauna

Oskars Keišs, Ainārs Auniņš, Viesturs Ķerus

1 April (Tuesday): 13:30–14:30, Afternoon plenary

Biodiversity monitoring context and directions in relation to EU policies

Nestor Fernandez

2 April (Wednesday): 9:00–10:00, Morning plenary

Using ornithological field data to predict rapid evolution of migration in response to climate change

Jane M. Reid

4 April (Friday): 9:00–10:00, Morning plenary

Using bird data for conservation prioritisation

Heini Kujala

4 April (Friday): 15:30–16:30, Afternoon plenary

The integration of data, the spirit of the EBCC and challenges for the future

Sergi Herrando